

Sunday 12 June 2016

garuda puranam Kinds of Sins which lead to Hell.

An Account of the Kinds of Sins which lead to Hell.


1. Garuḍa said: For what sins do they go on that great Way? Why do they fall into the Vaitaraṇī? Why do they go to hell? Tell me this, O Keśava.

2. The Blessed Lord said: 'Those who always delight in wrong deeds, who turn away from good deeds, go from hell to hell, from misery to misery, from fear to fear.

3. The righteous go into the city of the King of Justice by three gateway
s, but the sinful go into it only by the road of the southern gate.

4. The Vaitaraṇī River is only on this very miserable way. I will tell you who the sinners are who go by it.

p. 31
5-12. Slayers of Brāhmiṇs, drinkers of intoxicants, slayers of owe, infanticides, murderers of women, destroyers of the embryo, and those who commit secret sins,

Those who steal the wealth of the teacher, the property of the temple or of the twice-born; those who take away the possessions of women, and those who steal the possessions of children;
Those who do not repay their debts; those who misappropriate deposits; those who betray confidence; and those who kill with poisonous foods;

Those who seize upon the fault and depreciate the merit, who are jealous of those who have merit, who are attached to the wicked, who are foolish, who turn away from the company of the good;

Those who despise places of pilgrimage, good men, good actions, teachers and Shining Ones;

those who disparage the Purāṇas, the Vedas, the Mīmāṁsā, the Nyāya and the Vedānta;

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