

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Wells to be Dug

If well is dug on the East 'Esanyam' side of the site, then the owner will enjoy health and happiness.

When well is dug in the North of 'Esanyam' side then the owner enjoys fame and fortune.

If the well is dug in the position as shown in the figure, in a position that is between the middle and East of 'Esanyam', the family living there enjoys prosperity.

When the well is dug in the position as shown in the figure, in a position that is inbetween the middle and North of 'Esanyam', then the family living there enjoys happiness and prosperity

What sites can be bought? BY SUDDALA VASTHU

ites not to Buy - Sites to Buy

Sites not to be buy


If North-East site is less then those sites are not to be bought. If we add such sites to our present site the owner may not progress in his ventures.

What sites can be bought?

If you already have a site and if a site to its east or north is up for sale then we can buy such sites, the sites to the west and south are not favourable. If a site in the North-East is up for sale it is really important to buy that site, but not if it is less than your site.
If we refer to the following diagram, if A is the property you own then the site to the east is good to buy.
If we refer to the following figure, the A in the diagram is the property and a site opens up in the north of 'Esanyam' as in the X position then such sites are to be bought immediately.
If A represents the property we own then the sites to the north should be bought.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Vastu Sastram Suddala Sudhakar Teja

Vastu Sastram

A man needs a house where he can live happily with family, health and wealth. A house is built with the local geography in mind, with enough ventilation, water and every other facility. To build such a house we need to the knowledge of our age old science of Vastu Sastram. Eons ago many great Rishis, and men of austirities have written Vastu Sastram in the highest of standards and offered us. If we follow this Vastu Sastramu we could enjoy a happy and prosperous life.
  1. Vastu Sastra Puranam (Legend of Vastu Sastram)
  2. Vastu Purushudu
  3. Dikkulu - Disalu - Adipatulu (Directions - Corners - Rulers)
  4. House Construction - Facilities
  5. Shape of the Site
  6. Constructions in Sites according to Vastu - Rules of the Science
  7. Sites not to Buy - Sites to Buy
  8. Wells to be Dug
  9. Directions - Good and Bad
  10. Simhadwaram (Main Entrance)
  11. Truth of Vastu Sastram - Quotes
  12. Sulala vidhulu
  13. Directions - Rulers of Vidisalu - Their Results
  14. Rulers of Directions - Results
  15. Waterbodies - Water Flow - Raise and Slants - Canals
  16. Sleep Position of Vastu Purushudu - Movable - Immovable Vastu
  17. Samkustapana (Foundation) - Ayamu - Muhurtam
  18. Gruhanirmanam (House Construction)
  19. Upagruhamulu(Subhouses) - Lavatories, Kitchens
  20. House divided amoung Brothers, Site Posession - Rented Houses
  21. Gruhapravesam (House Warming )
  22. Gruhalamkarana (House Decoration)
  23. Offices - Shops
  24. Vastu Quotes

Suddala Sudhakar Teja VASTHU

Long ago there lived a demon named Amdhakaasuradu who terrorized the people of the three worlds.Lord Shiva fought with this demon. During that time a drop of sweat fell on the ground and from it emerger a great spirit that started to take over the earth and heavens. When Lord Indra and

other devas were frightened and prayed to Lord Brahma to save them. Lord Brahma who was the creator of everything men and demons alike thought for a long time while comforting the devas. Then he told them how to throw the spirit face down, after hearing this all the devas threw the spirit on the ground.

This spirit fell with its head in the Esanyam (North-East), and feet towards (South-West) and hands in Vaayuvya (North-East), and Agnaeya (South-East). The Devas, Gods seated themselves on the spirit so that it cannot get up again in the following manner.

Head- Sikha (Eesa)
Dakshina (South) Eye - Sarjanya
Vama (Right) Eye - Dithi
Dakshina Sotramulu - Jayamti
Vama Sotramulu -Jayamti
Urassu (Cheast) - Indra, Apavatsa, Apa, Sarpa
Dakshina Stanamu - Aryama
Vama Stanamu - Prutviidhara
Dakshina Bhujamu (shoulder) - Aditya
Vama Bhujamu -Soma
Dakshina Bahuvu - Satya, Brsa, aakaaSa, agni, puushaa
Vama Bahuvu - Papa Yaksha, Roaga, Naaga, Mukya, Bhallaata
Dakshina Paarsvakaamuna - Vitadhi, Gruhakshata
Vama Paarsvakaamuna - Asura, Sesha
Udaramuna - Vinaswan, Mitra
Dakshina Uruvuna - Yama
Vaam Uruvuna - VaruNa
Guhyamuna - Indra, Jaya
Dakshina Jamgamuna - Gandharva
Vama Jamgamuna - Pushpadamta
Dakshina Jaanuvuna - Brumgaraaja
Vama Jaanuvuna - Sugriiva
Dakshina Spichi - Mrgamu
Vama Spichi - Douvaaraka
Padamulu - Pitruganamu

This Spirit which radiated with the brightness of all the Gods that sat on him was seen by Lord Brahma and he named it the 'Vastu Purushudu'.

awesome blog
